What happen when I stopped training?

By Alex

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Recently I had taken a break from regular Aikido training (and other sports activity) due to a heel injury. So what happened when I stopped training?

To set the scene, I don’t exactly live next door to the dojo. If you factor in traveling and ramen time after Saturday class, all together, I should easily claw back 7 to 8 hours each week.  That’s a solid chunk of time! For us working adults, that’s an extra work day out of the week.

And what did I manage to accomplish with the extra time?  I can’t recall a thing I did with that time. My best guess is probably some house errands and more than likely in a stasis vegetable state of sort.

What is wrong with that you might ask? Well nothing. It was in fact great for the first week or two to have a break. But soon I notice, the mood was down a notch while the scale tips upward. Muscles feel weaker and joints are becoming stiffer. In short I didn’t feel like I was in a very optimum state.

In truth, I might have had more time on hand going on a break but it was not necessary more “quality time” or time well spend.

An average week of trying to juggle work, family commitment and fitting in Aikido training on a regular basis makes me feel like a headless chicken running around. Yet for that very reason, I have to make an effort to ensure I could fit everything into the schedule. Arguably, the end result is I get more done and at the very least enjoy a few more bowls of ramen.

Too busy is perhaps, the number one reason I hear why people would stop or couldn’t commit to regular Aikido training. However, give it a go! Reflect on your daily schedule and make a commitment. You might be surprise with what you can accomplish.

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